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Displaying 1-40 of 72 results
10 ways to supercharge your career
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- 28 Nov 2024
- Alison Beard, Curt Nickisch
This article sets out 10 pieces of careers advice drawn from across 1,000 episodes of the HBR IdeaCast podcast.
The leap to leader
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- 20 Jun 2024
- Adam Bryant
To succeed as a senior executive, you need a new mindset as well as special skills and competencies. This article outlines the mental shifts necessary for a successful transition to a senior leadership position.
Diversity and the evaluation of talent in the accounting profession: The enigma of merit
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- 01 Mar 2024
- Fiona Anderson-Gough, Carla Edgley, Keith Robson, Nina Sharma
While accounting firms are facing recruitment and retention problems, regulatory bodies are calling for efforts to improve diversity to be more effective, especially at senior levels. In this paper, the authors discuss 'merit' in processes of performance evaluation and career progression. Based on interviews in Big 4, mid-tier and small professional services firms in the UK, the authors explore how the working environment and culture in firms can potentially inhibit moves to improving diversity.
Busting myths about women in the workplace
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- 25 Jan 2024
- Alexis Krivkovich, Lareina Yee
This article challenges three common myths about women in the workplace. It reveals that women's ambition has actually increased during the pandemic, with a majority desiring promotions. It also dispels the notion that workplace flexibility is primarily desired by women, as both men and women see it as beneficial. The article also addresses the specific challenges faced by women of colour and the negative impact of microaggressions on women's careers. The authors encourage leaders to take action and advise young women to persist and challenge structural obstacles.
Women in accounting: Practical tips for leadership advancement
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- 01 Jan 2024
- Christine A.Funkhouser, Gergana Lipidakova
Advice on how women in the accounting profession can promote their personal brand and leadership persona. Topics include prioritizing education, advocating for oneself and increasing your visibility within your organization.
5 barriers to career change — and how to overcome them
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- 05 Dec 2023
- Herminia Ibarra, Kendall Smith, Neil Courtis
This article outlines the results of a survey of more than 950 business school alumni, who were asked about barriers to career change. It explores some of the obstacles which can prevent one from moving into a new career, and what can help.
Investment and career insights from women in asset management
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- 01 Nov 2023
- Erin Allen, Samantha Cleyn, Shannon Lewis, Bonnie Li, Asma Panjwani
Five women from BMO's Global Asset Management team provide insights from their paths into a career in asset management. Although they come from different career backgrounds, they have a mutual love of the pace, excitement and learning opportunities the industry offers. Here they share their top tips for success in asset management.
Innovative processes in finance and accounting
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- 01 Oct 2023
- Vineet Jain
Adopting innovative technologies can lead to streamlined processes, real-time insights, and increased focus on strategic planning, says Vineet Jain CA. The article looks at innovation in the record-to-report (R2R), accounts payable and procure-to-pay processes and the potential for automated tools to assist with these tasks. Finally, important challenges associated with AI and other innovative technologies and skill sets which forward-thinking finance and accounting professionals should develop are covered.
When I grow up, I want to be...
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- 01 Oct 2023
- Susan Muldowney
A look at the challenges faced by the accounting profession in attracting young talent, as enrolments in accounting-related university degrees decline. Topics include the need to change the perception of the profession among young people, showcase the diversity of roles within accounting, and address outdated stereotypes of brown cardigans.
Defining your personal brand
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- 01 Jun 2023
- Donald W.Caudill, Philip J.Slater
Creating a personal brand that reflects your abilities, values, and ethics is no longer a nice-to-have for accounting and finance professionals. It’s essential, say the authors. Otherwise you could be missing out on opportunities for speaking engagements, press, and enhancing your career and personal life.
Build your personal brand
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- 01 May 2023
- Jill Avery, Rachel Greenwald
Advice on how to communicate your value to the world, giving you the guidance you need to create a personal brand that you can comfortably live with. The approach involves seven steps: 1. Define your purpose, 2. Audit your personal brand equity, 3. Construct your personal narrative, 4. Embody your brand, 5. Communicate your brand story, 6. Socialize your brand, 7. Re-evaluate and adjust your brand.
Building an accounting career: One size does not fit all
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- 24 Mar 2023
- Sean McCabe
Professional opportunities for new accounting and finance graduates are now much more open-ended, says Sean McCabe. With so many paths open, and potential niche specialities to go into, how do you know which one to take?
A new leadership model for the future of business and work
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- 01 Mar 2023
- Mostafa Sayyadi, Michael J.Provitera
The authors view transformational leadership as the most strategic resource for competitive advantage. They describe a model they call the 'Magic Spark Model', for developing future transformational leaders in companies. It offers a new way of leadership succession planning, involving practical case studies that allow leadership trainees to solve real-world problems.
A time for innovation, flexibility and compassion
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- 22 Feb 2023
- Juliette Gaudemer
An inside look at Accounting Today magazine's 2022 Best Firms for Young Accountants winners. Popular initiatives with young accounting professionals include a mentorship system, internship programs, networking events and soft skills training. There is also a growing interest in a comfortable work-life balance, including the option of hybrid home/office working.
Becoming a trusted business partner
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- 01 Nov 2022
- Rebecca G.Fay, Kenneth Herbst, Josh Lobs, Norma R.Montague
The article discusses ways accountants can build their career in management accounting. Advice is given for developing the skills of a successful salesperson, as you will potentially need to influence and persuade both internal and external stakeholders in a variety of different situations. Four types of relationships that commonly exist in business partnerships are explained - Technical professional; Business friend; Dispensable business partner; Trusted business partner.
A five-week guide to getting a job
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- 09 Aug 2022
- Isaiah Hankel
Article setting out a five-week strategy to make yourself a marketable candidate, and secure a new job. Covers key steps such as updating your résumé, improving your personal brand on LinkedIn, asking for job-search referrals, and preparing for virtual job interviews.
Don't underestimate the power of allowing employees to unplug
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- 01 Jun 2022
- Penny Crosman
Many companies on American Banker magazine's 'Best Places to Work in Fintech' list offer sabbaticals or generous vacation time, which helps attract young talent and lets long-term employees re-energize. The article showcases the sabbaticals offered at Ascent Funding, Wise and Alkami as examples.
Where are the CAs?
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- 01 Apr 2022
- Sam McKeith
Article looking at why early and mid-career Australian chartered accountants are moving overseas to further their careers. There is strong international demand for auditing and financial reporting professionals in particular.
Marks & Spencer upskills internal talent with data science education
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- 11 Jan 2022
- Brian McKenna
The article discusses that Marks & Spencer (M&S) has been building up a data science and management capability that includes master's degree apprenticeships, as well as making data literacy more of a common currency at the retailer. It mentions the data science and artificial intelligence (AI) apprenticeship from the M&S business.
The CEO’s Ideal CFO: A study in Maltese PIEs
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- 01 Jan 2022
- Lauren Ellul, Gianluca Naudi
A study investigating what CEOs of Maltese PIEs (Public Interest Entities) expect from their CFOs, based on interviews with active and former CEOS and CFOs. The authors identify the factors and skills that lead to a more effective CEO-CFO relationship.
Feeling stuck at work?
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- 01 Sep 2021
- Dorie Clark
When people feel that their career progress is frustratingly slow or has sputtered out, they can become dangerously demoralized. But often these people are simply not giving themselves enough time to succeed. Instead they need to build their career with “strategic patience", says Dorie Clark.
Your 5-year upskilling plan
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- 01 Jun 2021
- Rod Koch
Author discusses how business success and professional development both rely on continuous upskilling and keeping current with technical opportunities and challenges as they arise.
10 vital roles for CFOs
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- 01 Feb 2021
- Sandra Beckwith
What competencies and skills do CFOs, board members, and others list as the requirements for career success as a finance chief? CFO magazine looks at 10 major CFO skills: as strategist, cross-functional expert, data storyteller, crystal ball reader, driver of digital, technology researcher, agile performer, team builder/leader, empathetic manager and communicator.
Negotiating your next job
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- 01 Jan 2021
- Hannah Rowley Bowles, Bobbi Thomason
If you’re looking to further your career it’s important to think strategically about what you want, together with how to get it. The authors discuss four steps to help you prepare for career negotiations, whether joining another company or moving into a different role with your current employer.
Mental health in the workplace: the coming revolution
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- 01 Jan 2021
Article looks at how today's workforce expects employers to take mental health issues seriously and young people are more open to talking about mental health issues.
Upskilling is the path forward
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- 01 Oct 2020
- Jessica Hildebrand
Article reports that upskilling accountants is gaining importance amongst accountancy firms and details the essential skills that emerging accountants should equip themselves with.
Upskilling with RPA: prepare for the technologies that will change the face of finance and accounting
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- 01 Jul 2020
- Loreal Jiles
The article discusses the emerging use of robotic process automation (RPA) in finance and accounting processes and emphasises the importance for finance professionals to understand how to play a role in RPA implementation.
How mentorship and sponsorship build your career
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- 01 Jun 2020
- Matthew Philpott
Mentorship and sponsorship are two common ways for others to help you on your career path, but they serve different roles in your professional development. This article compares the sponsorship or mentee experience with the mentorship role and explains how to find a sponsor or find a mentor.
Survival guide
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- 08 May 2020
- Kerri Anne Renzulli
Six tips to help soon-to-be graduates develop their careers from experts who got their own degrees during the Great Recession. Their advice includes focusing on your wellbeing, researching employers and tailoring your applications, improving your professional skills, and saving for emergencies.
Upskilling management accountants
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- 01 Apr 2020
- Kristine Brands
The article examines the factors that drive the need for upskilling, the upskilling strategies used by leading companies, why management accountants need to upskill, and strategies to promote upskilling in an organization.
The age of apprenticeships
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- 01 Dec 2019
- Rob Brouwer
Rob Brouwer explores the advantages of apprenticeships for older people and some of the barriers or misconceptions holding people back from taking an apprenticeship.
Learning to learn: Mental tools to help you master new skills
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- 02 Nov 2019
- Erika Andersen
The fast pace of change in the business environment means executives must understand and quickly adapt to big shifts in how their companies operate and how work gets done. This article explores aspiration, self-awareness and curiosity as key attributes for successfully acquiring new knowledge and skills quickly. It presents practical strategies to shift your mindset to become an effective learner.
Three ways to use MOOCs to advance your career
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- 02 Nov 2019
- Walter Frick
Tips on how to use massive open online courses (MOOCs) effectively for personal and career development. The article presents different strategies depending on whether you are new to a topic or just want to brush up your skills, how much time you are able to commit, and whether you require certification.
A successful career transition to forensic accounting
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- 01 Oct 2019
- Eric Kreuter
A US Certified Public Accountant (CPA) discusses his career path into forensic accounting.
A culture of inclusion
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- 15 Sep 2019
- Beth Braverman
The article discusses the role of corporate board fostering company-wide diversity and culture of inclusion. Topics discussed include increasing diversity within the membership of the boards; plans of board to bring younger directors for gender and ethnic diversity; and boards role to foster a diverse and inclusive culture throughout all levels of an organisation.
The secrets of Xero growth
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- 01 Jul 2019
- Deborah Tarrant
Kirsty Godfrey-Billy CA joined cloud software champion Xero in 2016. Now its CFO, she explains her aims in the job, including achieving $1 billion annual revenue. Another goal is becoming cash-flow positive for operations and investment.
Management accounting: An exciting career path
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- 01 May 2019
- Carol Magner Mitchell
The author discusses her career in accounting. Topics discussed include her five year accounting/finance leadership training program with global manufacturing conglomerate, Emhart Corp., and lessons she learned as financial analyst and then operational controller at Emhart's Glass Machinery Group. She sees herself as a business-person first and an accountant second.
Take charge of your professional growth through self-mentoring: These 4 steps help you find yourself, by yourself
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- 01 Feb 2019
- Amanda Mewborm
This article offers suggestions for professional growth through self-mentoring. Topics discussed include the need for professionals to define their passion or interests and the activities that energize them; the need to identify and develop one's skills; and the importance of observing and learning from leaders that people admire. Also mentioned is the importance of receiving constructive feedback.
We have take off
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- 01 Jan 2019
- Alison Walker
The government's apprenticeship reforms have prompted many sectors to rethink how they recruit and retain talent across all levels of their business. Alison Walker looks at how the airline industry has responded, and what other sectors can learn from its success.
Ways to cope in the gig economy
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- 01 Apr 2018
- G. Petriglieri, S. Ashford and A Wrzesniewski
With the prevalence of independent contracting, this article looks at how freelancers can manage the uncertainties of the 'gig economy' to maximise the benefits of working for themselves.
Displaying 1-40 of 72 results
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