What is chartered accountancy?
Combining unrivalled knowledge, skill and commitment, chartered accountants enable businesses, organisations, individuals and communities to achieve their financial and strategic goals – with rigour, integrity and vision.
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An overview of ICAEW
ICAEW is a world-leading professional membership organisation that promotes, develops and supports nearly 200,000 Chartered Accountants worldwide.
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ICAEW member benefits
Access world-leading information resources, technical guidance, member offers and discounts, advisory services and local member networks.
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Routes to the ACA
Find the right route for you to complete the ACA qualification and become a chartered accountant with ICAEW.
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Pathways to Membership
The Pathways to Membership scheme allows fully qualified members from certain professional bodies to apply for ICAEW membership based on their experience.
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ACA students membership application
Coming to the end of your training? find out what you need to do to join as an ICAEW member.
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